- However, it also means that you can now easily end up with a huge list of unsorted bookmarks and trying to find something in that huge list could be an exasperating task.
Unsorted storage of goods in shelving systemAn Efficient Unsorted VLSI Dictionary MachineDegradation of unsorted municipal solid waste by a leach-bed processLocating Information In An Unsorted Database Utilizing A B-TreeMicrobial ecology of the leach bed anaerobic digestion of unsorted municipal solid wasteEmplacement temperatures of unsorted and unstratified deposits of volcanic rock debris as determined by paleomagnetic techniquesMETHOD FOR AUTOMATICALLY DEVELOPING SUGGESTED OPTIMAL WORK SCHEDULES FROM UNSORTED GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL TASK LISTSProduction of lambs by low dose intrauterine insemination with flow cytometrically sorted and unsorted semenFertilization rate and embryo quality in superovulated Holstein heifers artificially inseminated with X-sorted or unsorted spermDevelopment of bovine embryos after in vitro fertilization of oocytes with flow cytometrically sorted, stained and unsorted sperm fr...