
  • v.使失去坚硬性;解除…的武装;使软下来;使回心转意[改变决定]
  • 变形

    第三人称单数:unsteels 现在分词:unsteeling 过去分词:unsteeled


    Buffalo Unsteeled: Connie Porter, Leslie Feinberg, and the Persistence of Proletarian Fiction
    STEELED for success
    Baron Wittmayer , Steeled by Adversity. Essays and Addresses on American Jewish Life
    Forced wave motion in an unbouded space surrounding a lined, spherical cavity
    Khrushchev’s Un-Secret Speech
    Bilston Steeled for Battle to Keep Strike Star Voice; DR MARTENS LEAGUE
    Graphene: The New Two‐Dimensional Nanomaterial
    Method for transporting substances into living cells and tissues and apparatus therefor
    Endoscopic surgical stapling instrument with pivotable and rotatable staple cartridge
    Composites of unsintered calcium phosphates and synthetic biodegradable polymers useful as hard tissue prosthetics