Picture Galleries outside London: The Bath and Bristol GalleriesThe Coming Crisis of Empirical SociologyA high-quality mid-Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic pole from South China, with implications for ice ages and the breakup configuration ...Published Papers, Tacit Competencies and Corporate Management of the Public/Private Character of KnowledgeThe Kinematic Structure of Merger RemnantsThe Precambrian palaeomagnetic record: the case for the Proterozoic SupercontinentPRINTER AND METHOD FOR PRINTINGSolvents for PEDOT-solutions for ink-jet printingRevision of methods for separating species of Protopalythoa (Hexacorallia : Zoanthidea) in the tropical West PacificThe deformation field of the August 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, mapped by ASAR interferometry