The Analysis of Muscular Activity in Lower Limbs according to Unweight ProtocolUnweight and power UP!A deep-water splash workoutUnweight sum of squares test for proportionsIntermittent +45°head-up-tilt improves mechanical parameters of hindlimb unweightling in rats1-Ancestral character state reconstruction for the evolution of depth limits (a) and habitat (b) in bivalves based on unweighted par...A Study of Iterative Decoding Considering Columun Weight of LDPC CodeResistance training during unweighting maintains muscle size and function in human calfCalpain/calpastatin activities and substrate depletion patterns during hindlimb unweighting and reweighting in skeletal musclePrehabilitation and rehabilitation for attenuating hindlimb unweighting effects on skeletal muscle and gait in adult and old ratsSystem for analyzing a suspension system