Barmes Seeing Uptick in Offense
Technical Report on SEC Uptick Repeal Pilot
The U.S. Manufacturing Recovery: Uptick or Renaissance?
Third Quarter Shows Uptick in Home Sales ; First Half of 2011 Saw Slowdown
Deepwater crude oil output: How large will the uptick be?
Fincantieri companies busy : winter signals annual uptick at Lake Michigan shipyards
Short Selling on the New York Stock Exchange and the Effects of the Uptick Rule ☆
Restrictions on Short Sales: An Analysis of the Uptick Rule and its Role in View of the October 1987 Stock Market Crash
Short-sale constraints and short-selling strategies: the case of SEC’s revocation of the uptick rule in 2007
NAB hopes to buck the odds: New presence by RTNDA, advertising uptick may help offset industry's trade-show woes. (Technology).(Nati...