The lactose 13 C ureid breath test: Also applicable in young children?The Lactose [13C] Ureid Breath Test to Determine Orocaecal Transit Time : Not Applicable in Very Young Infants and NewbornsOrocaecal transit time: The lactose-C-13-ureid breath test shows a good correlation with scintigraphyVerwendung von [C]Laktose-Ureid in einem neuen Atemtest zur Bestimmung von intestinaler bakterieller Besiedlung und intestinaler Pas...Evaluation of the effect of AXOS on colonic ammonia metabolism using the biomarker lactose-[15N,15N]-ureidOne-Pot Reactions of N-(Mesyloxy)phthalimides with Secondary Amines to 2-Ureidobenzamides, 2-Ureidobenzoic Acids, Ethyl 2-Ureidobenz...Suchtests und chromatographische Methoden zum Nachweis von Ureid-Hypnotika bei Vergiftungen (Bromureide und Barbiturate) : Laborator...Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Anthocyanen auf die mikrobielle Metabolisierung von Lactose-[13C]-Ureid und Lactose-[15N2]-Ureid im C...Semi-empirical study of cycloaddition reactions to form β-lactams from 2-amino-β-D-arabine[1′,2′:4,5]oxazoline (ureid) and ketenesExpanding the scaffold for bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitors: design, synthesis and structure-activity relationships of ureido-het...