The Effect of Herbivory on the Interaction between the Clonal Plant Trientalis europaea and Its Smut Fungus Urocystis trientalisInfection of Trientalis europaea by the systemic smut fungus Urocystis trientalis: disease incidence, transmission and effects on pe...The Effect of the Systemic Smut Urocystis carcinodes on the Long-Lived Herb Actaea spicataUse of mustard flour and milk powder to control common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat and stem smut (Urocystis occulta) in rye in ...Occurrence of Urocystis junci, Tranzscheliella williamsii (Griff.) comb, nov., and Ustilago hypodytes in New ZealandTiller and rhizome growth of water-stressed Poa pratensis 'Merion' infected by Ustilago striiformis or Urocystis agropyri.Fine structure of the uteri in two hymenolepidid tapeworm Skrjabinacanthus diplocoronatus and Urocystis prolifer (Cestoda: Cyclophyl...Two types of basidia in Urocystis hypoxis and the implications for smut taxonomyHaustoria in Urocystis ( Tilletiales )Two new species of Urocystis and a Urocystis (Ustilaginomycetes) new to China.