The Effects of Using Omega-3, Omega-6 Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Synthetic on Sperm quality, Testes and Uropygium size of Male Quail...[Ectodermal & mesodermal interaction in the formation of invagination of the uropygium in birds]Centroribates uropygium GrandjeanDicatozetes uropygium (Grandjean, 1928)COMPARISON OF EXCISION, SWABBING AND RINSING SAMPLING METHODS TO DETERMINE THE MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF BROILER CARCASSESWing beat kinematics of a nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga soricina, flying at different flight speeds and Strouhal numbersMyotis keaysiNew fossils from the Paleogene of central Libya illuminate the evolutionary history of endemic African anomaluroid rodents