Three Middle English Verse UroscopiesEarth, Man, and Culture : Seeing the World in Water: Humoural Theory and Practice in Medieval and Modern UroscopiesToward proteomics in uroscopy: urinary protein profiles after radiocontrast medium administration.Uroscopy in the 21st century: high-field NMR spectroscopyUroscopy by Hippocrates and Theophilus: prognosis versus diagnosisFrom uroscopy to molecular analysis--improving diagnostic information from urine analysisJoannes Zacharias Actuarius. A witness of late Byzantine uroscopy, closely linked with Thessaloniki.Medieval uroscopy and its representation on misericords--part 2: misericordsLimits in the studies of the art of uroscopy: the Byzantine example.Medieval uroscopy and its representation on misericords--part 1: Uroscopy.