- Rough set theory is a novel mathematical tool dealing vagueness and uncertainty.
粗糙集理论是处理模糊和不确定性问题的新的数学工具。 - For years, I lived in a world of vagueness that I could not adapt to.
几年时间我都生活在自己不能适应的模糊世界里。 - Their report is on the vagueness of future economic prospects.
他们的报告针对未来经济前景方面的含糊不清之处作了阐述。 - Vagueness and procrastination are ever a comfort to the frail in spirit.
Vagueness, truth and logic
Theories of Vagueness
Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge Based Systems
Vagueness. An Investigation into Natural Languages and the Sorites Paradox
Vagueness and grammar: the semantics of relative and absolute gradable adjectives
Strategic Vagueness in Contract Design: The Case of Corporate Acquisitions
Managing uncertainty and vagueness in description logics for the Semantic Web
Shifting Sands: An Interest-Relative Theory of Vagueness