The Benefactress
Becoming a Benefactress: Burney’s Cecilia
Becoming a Benefactress: Burney’s Cecilia
Benefactress Luisa Erdödy b. Drasche von Wartinberg (1853-1924)
In loving memory of Mrs Doris Patz artist, benefactress, friend
The Mother Benefactress and the Sacred Battalion: Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, the Editing Commission, and the Emancipation of the ...
Women in Public Life in the Roman East: Iunia Theodora, Claudia Metrodora and Phoebe, Benefactress of Paul
Dobrotvorka Luisa Erdödy rođ. Drasche von Wartinberg (1853.-1924.)( Benefactress Luisa Erdödy b. Drasche von Wartinberg (1853-192...
Princess Isabel the Redeemer and Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna the mother benefactress: Two royal women and the emancipation of servi...