VaporettoFollow that vaporetto!Nomadss on Time's Winged VaporettoLa lezione di Melampo : Il vaporettoThe Australian Pavilion dances to Lyndal Jones' vaporetto vistaFollow that Vaporetto! (Review of Laurent Binet, La Septième fonction du langage [Paris: Grasset, 2015]).Ca' Gallina, Corte del Strologo, and the Vaporetto Conductor with the Violet EyesCompletamento, validazione e messa in esercizio vell'impianto Vaporetto (Swinger)Venice's Grand Canal always makes a big splash; Forego the pricey gondolas and take the colorful water bus, the vaporettoTake a Punt on Venice ; If Buying a Venetian Palazzo Would Break Your Budget, Take a Vaporetto Motor Launch to Giudecca, Just Five M...