- Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace.
素食主义使人达到完美和安宁。 - Vegetarianism reverses this and embraces rawness.
VegetarianismVEGETARIANISM.VegetarianismVegetarianism. A blossoming field of study.Vegetarianism, dietary fiber, and mortality.Vitamin B12 and Vegetarianism in IndiaNutritional consequences of vegetarianism.Effect of vegetarianism on the zinc status of pregnant womenTeenage vegetarianism: prevalence, social and cognitive contextsEffect of vegetarianism on development of gall stones in women.The impact of vegetarianism on some haematological parameters.A prospective study of vegetarianism and isoflavone intake in relation to breast cancer risk in British womenDisgust sensitivity and meat consumption: a test of an emotivist account of moral vegetarianism