Design, implementation and testing of SRAM based neutron detectorsHigh speed continuous DAQ system for readout of the ALICE SAMPA ASICQualification of the ALICE SAMPA ASIC with a High-Speed Continuous DAQ SystemCharacterization of the first prototype of the ALICE SAMPA ASIC for LHC Run 3 and beyondUpgrades of the ALICE TPC Front-End Electronics for Long Shutdown 1 and 2170 DEVELOPMENT AND FIRST APPLICATIONS OF A SRAM BASED NEUTRON DETECTOR FOR PHOTON, PROTON AND HEAVY ION THERAPYLevande dansetradisjon eller stagnasjon og kopieringFirst irradiation test results of the ALICE SAMPA ASICUpgrades of the ALICE TPC front-end electronics for LS1 and LS2Free Convection Model Development for the Thermal Analysis of Cavities in Subsea Christmas Trees