- The liver is somewhat ventral in position.
肝脏的位置在腹侧。 - Its sucking mouth was in a terminal rather than a ventral position.
Dissociable Roles of Ventral and Dorsal Striatum in Instrumental Conditioning.
Genes establishing dorsoventral pattern formation in the zebrafish embryo: the ventral specifying genes.
Abnormal ventral temporal cortical activity during face discrimination among individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome
GATA4 transcription factor is required for ventral morphogenesis and heart tube formation.
Anatomy, pigmentation, ventral and dorsal subpopulations of the substantia nigra, and differential cell death in Parkinson's disease
Long-term suppression of tremor by chronic stimulation of the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus.
The Toll gene of Drosophila, required for dorsal-ventral embryonic polarity, appears to encode a transmembrane protein.
Corrections: Spontaneous Neuronal Activity Distinguishes Human Dorsal and Ventral Attention Systems
A Homeodomain Protein Code Specifies Progenitor Cell Identity and Neuronal Fate in the Ventral Neural Tube
The spätzle gene encodes a component of the extracellular signaling pathway establishing the dorsal-ventral pattern of the Drosoph...