VictorianaVictoriana : histories, fictions, criticismVictoriana - Histories, Fictions, CriticismNarciso y el doble en la literatura fantástica victorianaClass definition and the esthetics of gentrification: Victoriana in MelbourneGeographic Variation of Larval Traits in the Australian Frog Geocrinia victorianaObservation on the occurrence of Uca victoriana von Hagen (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, BrazilThe functional significance of the diphasic advertisement call of Geocrinia victoriana (Anura: Leptodactylidae)Embryonic development of the myobatrachine frogs Geocrinia laevis, Geocrinia victoriana, and their natural hybridsMating-call variation across a narrow hybrid zone between Crinia laevis and C. victoriana (Anura : Leptodactylidae)