  • abbr.

    versatile interior multiplex system 通用内部多路复接[转换]系统,通用内部复用系统;vertical improved mail service (现代大楼的)竖式改进邮递业务;Virginia Institute of Marine Science 弗吉尼亚海运科学学会;

  • 学习怎么用


    vims Sea Carousel: A field instrument for studying sediment transport
    Cassini/VIMS hyperspectral observations of the HUYGENS landing site on Titan
    Composition of Titan's surface from Cassini VIMS
    Cassini VIMS observations of the Galilean satellites including the VIMS calibration procedure
    Searching for VIMs: an astrometric method to detect the binary nature of double stars with a variable component
    The Cassini Visual And Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (Vims) Investigation
    Global-scale surface spectral variations on Titan seen from Cassini/VIMS
    Tbe complete nudeotide sequences of the cloned hepatitis B vims DNA; subtype adr and adw
    IMPs, VIMs and SPMs: the diversity of metallo-beta-lactamases produced by carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Brazilian...
    Compositional mapping of Saturn's satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and implications of dark material in the Saturn system