vims Sea Carousel: A field instrument for studying sediment transportCassini/VIMS hyperspectral observations of the HUYGENS landing site on TitanComposition of Titan's surface from Cassini VIMSCassini VIMS observations of the Galilean satellites including the VIMS calibration procedureSearching for VIMs: an astrometric method to detect the binary nature of double stars with a variable componentThe Cassini Visual And Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (Vims) InvestigationGlobal-scale surface spectral variations on Titan seen from Cassini/VIMSTbe complete nudeotide sequences of the cloned hepatitis B vims DNA; subtype adr and adwIMPs, VIMs and SPMs: the diversity of metallo-beta-lactamases produced by carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Brazilian...Compositional mapping of Saturn's satellite Dione with Cassini VIMS and implications of dark material in the Saturn system