vitellinvitellinVitellogenin and Vitellin in InsectsChanges in vitellin during oogenesis and effect of estradiol-17β on vitellogenesis in the Pacific oysterVitellin and vitellogenin from locusts (Locusta migratoria). Properties and post-translational modification in the fat body.Purification and properties of vitellogenin and vitellin from Locusta migratoriaPurification and characterization of vitellin from the mature ovaries of prawn, Penaeus monodonPurification and characterization of vitellin from the mature ovaries of prawn, Penaeus chinensisPurification and properties of vitellogenin and vitellin from a tick,Ornithodoros moubataCharacterization of vitellin, egg-specific protein and 30 kDa protein from Bombyx eggs, and their fates during oogenesis and embryo...