voiced soundMethod and apparatus for speech signal detection and classification of the detected signal into a voiced sound, an unvoiced sound an...Voiced-Unvoiced-Silence Speech Sound Classification Based on Unsupervised LearningSpeaker Identification Using Pseudo Pitch Synchronized Phase Information in Voiced SoundSpeech ermotion recognition separately from voiced and unvoiced sound for emotional interaction robotOn the role of glottis-interior sources in the production of voiced soundPerceptual effect of phase characteristics of the voiced sound in high-quality speech synthesisSpeech Emotion Recognition Separately from Voiced and Unvoiced Sound for Emotional Interaction RobotVoiced Sound Clarification Phenomenon in Fanqie(反切) Comparison of Jiyun(集韵) and Leipian(类篇)Voiced Sound Endpoint Detection Based on Circular Autocorrelation Function