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Volley ballVolley-ballVolley-ballRègles officielles du volley-ball : conformes aux règles internationales de la F.I.V.B.Championnat de France de Volley-ball 1978-1979Entraineur Régional de Volley BallStudy on the Law of Scoring and Losing in the Elite Men's Volley ball Competitions[Isokinetic dynamometer measurement of shoulder rotational strength in healthy elite athletes (swimming, volley-ball, tennis): compa...Volley-ball or the likeThe perceptual cognitive processes underpinning skilled performance in volley-ball: Evidence from eye-movements and verbal reports ...Muscle elastic properties during wrist flexion and extension in healthy sedentary subjects and volley-ball players.Blunt injury of the radial and ulnar arteries in volley ball players. A report of three cases of the antebrachial-palmar hammer synd...Mesure de la force des muscles rotateurs de l'épaule chez des sportifs sains de haut niveau (natation, volley-ball, tennis) par dyn...