Examining VxD service hookingANALYSIS OF WINDOWS VxDPrinciple and Application of VxD Technology通过虚拟驱动程序(VxD)实现稳定的串口通信Belle-II VXD radiation monitoring and beam abort with sCVD diamond sensorsVxD technology for power system real-time data collecting in Windows operating systemTwo-Way Communication Between VxD and Application under the OS Win9x(PartⅠ)Imbedding virtual device driver (VxD) calls in a dynamic link library (DLL)Roentgen-Diagnosed Anomaly of Oesophagus Vxd Arcus Aortae. Dysphagia LusoeiaModelling and trading the U.S. implied volatility indices. Evidence from the VIX, VXN and VXD indices