Annual Medics and Berseem Clover as Emergency ForagesIntercropping Berseem Clover with Barley and Oat Cultivars for ForageCytogenetic studies in Trifolium Spp. related to berseemForage Potential of Intercropping Berseem Clover with Barley, Oat, or TriticaleDetermination of evapotranspiration for maize and berseem cloverBiomass production and nutritional levels of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrium ) grown under elevated CO 2Physiological responses to water stress following a conditioning period in berseem cloverTransfer of Symbiotically Fixed Nitrogen from Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) to Maize via Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal HyphaeDry matter yield, po 25 content and its uptake by berseem as affected by fertilization alone and in combination with some Micronutri...Soil organic carbon pools and productivity in relation to nutrient management in a 20-year-old rice-berseem agroecosystem