Geographical Variation in WadersOrnithology: Arctic waders are not capital breedersPredation of Waders (Charadrii) on Prey Populations: An Exclosure ExperimentCompetition for Food and Interference among WadersGuide to identification and ageing of Holarctic WadersShorebirds : an identification guide to the waders of the worldMoult, Mass and Flight Range of Waders Ready to Take Off for Long-Distance MigrationsHop, skip, or jump? Constraints on migration of arctic waders by feeding, fattening, and flight speedBreeding of waders (Charadrii) and Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla at Pronchishcheva Lake, northeastern Taimyr, Russia, in a pe...Factors related to breeding production of Brent Geese Branta b. bemicla and waders (Charadrii) on the Taimyr Peninsula