The cdc25B phosphatase is essential for the G2/M phase transition in human cells.Lammer, C. et al. The cdc25B phosphatase is essential for the G2/M phase transition in human cells. J. Cell Science 111, 2445-2453Pipeline inspection device using ultrasonic apparatus for corrosion pit detectionDas Berliner Dokumentationssystem für PsychotherapieFörderung der Lesekompetenz und Lesemotivation durch ein Training der bildhaften VorstellungenCommunities als ImagefaktorHepatitis C antibody positivity among health care workers in a liver transplant centerSystem for processing of steel billets or the like to remove surface defects[Combined congress of the General Society of Psychotherapy and the German Society of Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychoanalysi...[The Berlin Documentation System for Psychotherapy]