The NunatuKavut model of research oversight: Innovation through collaborationDevelopments in Genetic Prediction of Carcase Merit in Limousin Beef Cattle in the UKLygodium japonicum fern accumulates copper in the cell wall pectin.Cell wall polysaccharides from fern leaves: evidence for a mannan-rich Type III cell wall in Adiantum raddianum.Sieve-Element Ultrastructure in Platycerium bifurcatum and Some Other Polypodiaceous Ferns: The Nacreous Wall Thickening and Maturat...Cryopreservation of Spores of Cyathea spinulosa Wall. ex. Hook. f. - An Endangered Tree FernThe junction between the plasma membrane and the cell wall in fern protonemal cells, as visualized after plasmolysis, and its depend...REGIONS OF CELL WALL EXPANSION IN THE PROTONEMA OF A FERNThe effect of ethylene and auxin on cell wall extensibility of the Semi-aquatic fern, Regnellidium diphyllumCells with wall ingrowths (transfer cells) in the placenta of ferns