Statement by the governor of the Bank of Finland Dr. Klaus Waris on October 12, 1967 on the reasons behind the decision to change th...Qualidade no atendimento aos clientes da terceira idade nos serviços prestados pelo Banco do Brasil S/A, Agência 2053, em Fagundes...TLS and energy consumption on a mobile device: A measurement studyComparison of tests on air propellers in flight with wind tunnel model tests on similar formsHLA-DR and ICAM-1 expression on bronchial epithelial cells in asthma and chronic bronchitis.Nonionic oil-in-water microemulsions: the effect of oil type on phase behaviourHepatitis C Virus (HCV) Constitutively Activates STAT-3 via Oxidative Stress: Role of STAT-3 in HCV ReplicationSearching for Sexually Explicit Materials on the Internet: An Exploratory Study of College Students' Behavior and AttitudesHand, foot, and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6, Thailand, 2012Immune interaction between respiratory syncytial virus infection and allergen sensitization critically depends on timing of challenges