if it wasn't for若不是因为某种原因的话
"I always assumed that I wasn't really that close to [her]":Reasoning about Invisible Algorithms in News Feeds
Why wasn't O.J. convicted? Emotional coherence in legal inference
THE ARTS: Return to Vendor ; the Droplift Project's Copyright-Defying Album Wasn't Stocked by Nervous US Stores. So Did Droplift Giv...
"I wasn't alone"--a study of group prenatal care in the military.
I always assumed that I wasn't really that close to [her]: Reasoning about Invisible Algorithms in News Feeds
Heterosyncrasies: Female Sexuality When Normal Wasn't
'I wasn't trained to work with them': mainstream teachers' attitudes to children with speech and language difficulties
‘I Wasn't Alone’: Collective Behaviour and Violent Delinquency
"Rome Wasn't Digitized in a Day": Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Classics
'They Turned Around Like I Wasn't There': An Analysis of Teenage Girls' Letters About Their Peer Conflicts.