- In his flay, he screwed up her letter and threw it into the wastepaper basket.
他一气之下,把她写来的信揉成一团,扔进了废纸篓。 - He collected all the wastepaper in the basket.
Wastepaper deinking process
Wastepaper basketball basket
Biodegradation of wastepaper by cellulase from Trichoderma viride.
Production of lactic acid from wastepaper as a cellulosic feedstock
Study on the gasification of wastepaper/carbon dioxide catalyzed by molten carbonate salts
Removal of organic carbon from wastepaper pulp effluent by lab-scale solar photo-Fenton process
Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Woodceramics Made from Wastepaper
Reexamining the theory of planned behavior in understanding wastepaper recycling.
Compressive strength and hydration of wastepaper sludge ash–ground granulated blastfurnace slag blended pastes
Identification and quantification of chlorinated bisphenol A in wastewater from wastepaper recycling plants