- My first visit to Angkor Wat was in 1980.
Multilocular fat cells in WAT of CL-316243-treated rats derive directly from white adipocytes.
Response to Comment on 'The sorption of lead(II) ions on peat' by Y.S. Ho and G. McKay, Wat. Res. 33(2), 578-584 (1999)
Tweede Nationale Studie naar ziekten en verrichtingen in de huisartspraktijk: huisartsenzorg: wat doet de poortwachter?
Corrections: Calorimetric Determination of the Enthalpy Change for the α-Helix to Coil Transition of an Alanine Peptide in Water
Simultaneous quantification of neutral and acidic pharmaceuticals and pesticides at the low-ng/l level in surface and waste water
Nutrient flux in a landscape: Effects of coastal land use and terrestrial community mosaic on nutrient transport to coastal waters
"Ultrasound comet-tail images": a marker of pulmonary edema: a comparative study with wedge pressure and extravascular lung water.
Modeling of the Effect of Land Use Changes on the Runoff Generation of a River Basin Through Parameter Regionalization of a Watershe...
Self-etching reconstruction of hierarchically mesoporous F-TiO2 hollow microspherical photocatalyst for concurrent membrane water pu...
Influence of sample quantification and taxonomic resolution on the ordination of macroinvertebrate communities from running waters i...