- Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident.
她很怕水,起因可归於儿时的一次事故。 - Water can be changed into vapor when heated.
水被加热时,可以变成水蒸汽。 - Water can be changed into vapour when heated.
水被加热时,可以变成水蒸汽。 - Water can be made pure by distilling it.
Watering can
Watering can
The Healing Book: Facing the Death-And Celebrating the Life-Of Someone You Love
A Brand New Start!
The Greening Book: Being a Friend to Planet Earth
Spraying and watering can
The 'watering-can' perineum: presentation and management
'Watering-can penis' in pseudoepitheliomatous, keratotic and micaceous balanitis.
Comparison of endoscopic ureterocele decompression techniques. Preliminary experience--is the watering can puncture superior?
Watering can perineum--a forgotten complication of gonorrhoea
Management of "watering-can"perineum.
Persistent multiple vesicocutaneous fistulas or watering-can abdomen.