- In that era, the wecker represents a kind of status.
Giant negative magnetoresistance in perovskitelike La 2 / 3 Ba 1 / 3 MnO x ferromagnetic films
Clonally expanded novel multipotent stem cells from human bone marrow regenerate myocardium after myocardial infarction
Monitoring of implanted stem cell migration in vivo: A highly resolved in vivo magnetic resonance imaging investigation of experimen...
Giant Magnetoresistance in Perovskite-like La2/3Ba1/3MnO3 Ferromagnetic Films
Yoon, Y.S. et al. Clonally expanded novel multipotent stem cells from human bone marrow regenerate myocardium after myocardial infar...
Monitoring of implanted stem cell migration in vivo: a highly resolved in vivo magnetic resonance imaging investigation of experimen...
Role of host tissues for sustained humoral effects after endothelial progenitor cell transplantation into the ischemic heart
Replacement of T-Cell Function by a T-Cell Product
VEGF-C gene therapy augments postnatal lymphangiogenesis and ameliorates secondary lymphedema
Giant negative magnetoresistance in perovskitelike ${\mathrm{La}}_{2/3}$${\mathrm{Ba}}_{1/3}$${\mathrm{MnO}}_{\mathit{x}}$ ferromagn...