Weeding-hookWeeding and weed free duration effects on the growth and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea Hook & Thom.) crop.Weeding a Lettuce FieldWeeding and picking implementMatch the words with the pictures: weeding hoe spade lawn edger hoe-fork spading fork scuffle hoe rake lawn rake shovel hook hoe dra...Chemical weeding of lima beans and snap beans.L'ylang-ylang [Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson] : une plante à huile essentielle méconnue dans une filière en dangerDiversity and production methods of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.); Experience with vegetable farmers in Makurdi, N...Distribution, Utilization and Management of Prunus africana (Hook. f) in Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District, Central KenyaKasi Bharadvaja Sutta: To the Plowing Bharadvaja