Institutional Dynamics of European Integration: Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers: Vol 002Mercury concentration of fish, river water, and sediment in the Rio Ramis-Lake Titicaca Watershed, Peru. Sci Total Environ 368: 637-...Mercury concentrations of fish, river water, and sediment in the Río Ramis-Lake Titicaca watershed, PeruPreliminary assessment of mercury contamination due to gold mining in the Rio Ramis-Lake Titicaca watershed, PeruA generalized weight matrix for autocorrelated superficial dataModels for predicting energy requirements in meat quailGlycerin levels while maintaining the electrolyte balance in finishing pig dietsNutritional requirements of digestible threonine for growing meat-type quailsUtilisation of Large White × Mong Cai crossbred sows and Duroc and stress negative Piétrain boars for the production of fattening ...Semi-purified glycerin in the meat quails feeding.