- I have just cleared up a bewildering welter of data saved in my computer.
- The chiefs of all the villages were weltering in luxury and pleasure.
Enhancing Electrochemical Performance of V2O5 Thin Film by using Ultrasonic WelteringClimatologic characteristics and circulation situation of hot day and weltering weather at Xi'an CityTechniques for Surgeons. J. Patrick O'Leary and Eugene A. Weltering. 240 × 165 mm. Pp.442 + xxxi. Illustrated. 1985. Chicheste..."Weltering in Their Own Blood": Puritan Casualties in King Philip's WarFlowering initiation of weltering plantsAT. WELTERING IN BLOOD - Blasphemy | Letras.comHawthorn And LavenderMethod and apparatus for filtering industrial and human wasteDegradation of the isoflavone biochanin a by isolates of Nectria haematococca ( Fusarium solani )Electrochemical characterization of activated carbon–ruthenium oxide nanoparticles composites for supercapacitors