The whalebone whales of New EnglandTHE NATURAL HISTORY OF WHALEBONE WHALESTreating achalasia: from whalebone to laparoscopeScientific Books: The Whalebone Whales of New EnglandTreatment of achalasia--whalebone to botulinum toxinTreatment of achalasia--from whalebone to botulinum toxinXXXVIII.âNotes on the Whalebone-Whales; with a synopsis of the speciesDescription of a new genus and species of whalebone whale from the Calvert Cliffs, MarylandEstimates of the landed catch of right (and other whalebone) whales in the American fishery, 1805–1909Sequence organization and evolution, in all extant whalebone whales, of a DNA satellite with terminal chromosome localization