


  • 1. 

    N something fanciful; a trifle 奇幻之物; 小玩意 [archaic]



[untitled poem by Whim Wham published in Salient Vol. 8, No. 9. July 11, 1945]
Come And Get It You Jokers()
Christ of the Whim-Whams
Finding My Way through Moral Space: A Whim-Wham for Charles Scott
To Gyre the Whim-Wham
Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. ; Salmagundi: Or, The whim-whams and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. & others
Salmagundi, or, the whim-whams and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq.
Prince Dande Lion: A Garden Whim-Wham
Salmagundi Volume 10; Or, the Whimwhams & Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. & Others
A Book of Vagaries: Comprising the New Mirror for Travelers and Other Whim-Whams (Classic Reprint)