The Ethics of Collaboration: Archaeologists and the Whydah projectThe social behaviour of the Pin‐tailed Whydah Vidua macroura in northern GhanaHueda (Whydah) Country and Town: Archaeological Perspectives on the Rise and Collapse of an African Atlantic KingdomThe Dancing display and courtship of Jackson's Whydah (Coliuspasser jacksoni Sharpe)OBSERVATIONS ON WILSON''S WIDOWFINCH AND THE PINTAILED WHYDAH IN SOUTHERN GHANA, WITH NOTES ON THEIR HOSTSPlasmodium octamerium n. sp., an avian malaria parasite from the pintail whydah bird Vidua macroura.Religion, Trade and Politics on the 'Slave Coast': Roman Catholic Missions in Allada and Whydah in the Seventeenth Century"The Common People Were Divided": Monarchy, Aristocracy and Political Factionalism in the Kingdom of Whydah, 1671-1727Field procedures developed for a scattered, deeply buried site in a high energy location: the Whydah (WLF-HA-l), Cape Cod, Massachus...Male copulation frequency and female competition for fertilizations in a promiscuous brood parasite, the Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua mac...