- The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase, for the monster he was to investigate had never really existed.
记者被派了去作徒劳无益的调查,因为他要查寻的怪物根本不存在。 - In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose.
Valuing the non-market benefits of wild goose conservation: a comparison of interview and group based approaches
Customer centricity: reality or a wild goose chase?
Is Statistix Inferens the Geographical Name for a Wild Goose?
Costs and benefits of wild goose conservation in Scotland
Economics and the design of nature conservation policy: a case study of wild goose conservation in Scotland using choice experiments
Is inductive machine learning just another wild goose (or might it lay the golden egg)?
Economics and the design of nature conservation policy: a case study of wild goose conservation in Scotland using choice experiments
Wild-Goose Sea Search Prompts Investigation; Coast Guard Was Told Man Was Missing
Wild goose dilemmas: population consequences of individual decisions in Barnacle Geese