Microscale position control of an electroactive polymer using an anti-windup scheme
Design and implementation of force and position control with anti-windup conditioned transfer compensation
An anti-windup-based solution for the low current nonlinearity compensation on the FTU horizontal position controller
Automotive wind-up window guide has position-adjustable guide rail with a position locking mechanism
An anti-windup-based solution for the low current nonlinearity compensation on the FTU horizontal position controller
A Construction Method of High Response I-P Position Control System by Anti-Windup Compensation
Application of Anti-Windup variable structure adaptive PID control to position angle control system of aerial camera
Improvement Method of Anti-windup Algorithm for Position Servo System by Servo Motor
The Influence of Increase in Hip Flexion Angle on Single-Leg Balance of the Wind-up Pitching Position
Self-tuning algorithm against magnetic actuator wind-up for milling spindle position regulation