- Our hosts wined and dined us very well.
主人设酒宴盛情款待我们。 - Too much wining and dining is making him fat.
Wine and Dine
Wine and dine
Wine and dine
Exploring the Links Between Wine Choice and Dining Occasions: Factors of Influence
The use of enchantment in wine and dining
Exploring the Links Between Wine Choice and Dining Occasions: Factors of Influence by John Hall,1 Victoria University, Melbourne, Au...
President's Page: Dining Out in Paris: Wine and Guidelines
Wine and dine, or a fine? : A multiple case study on how Swedish companies build and manage B2B guanxi in China
Marketing wih social networking sites has surpassed traditional reationship of wine and dine
Marketing with social networking sites has surpassed traditional relationship of wine and dine
Investigating Chinese consumers' wine festival experience: The case of China International Wine and Dine festival
Wine and Dine at Nomad
Tobacco giant spent €1.5mn to wine and dine MEPs