- Spine Devils are spine-covered, wingless demons that fight with two venomous claws.
Direct and long-range action of a wingless morphogen gradient.
wingless signal and Zeste-white 3 kinase trigger opposing changes in the intracellular distribution of Armadillo.
dishevelled and armadillo act in the wingless signalling pathway in Drosophila.
Drosophila Tcf and Groucho interact to repress Wingless signalling activity.
Regulation of the Hedgehog and Wingless signalling pathways by the F-box/WD40-repeat protein Slimb.
arrow encodes an LDL-receptor-related protein essential for Wingless signalling.
Lithium inhibits glycogen synthase kinase-3 activity and mimics wingless signalling in intact cells.
Wehrli, M. et al. arrow encodes an LDL-receptor-related protein essential for Wingless signalling. Nature 407, 527-530
pangolin encodes a Lef-1 homologue that acts downstream of Armadillo to transduce the Wingless signal in Drosophila.
Use of dsRNA-mediated genetic interference to demonstrate that frizzled and frizzled 2 act in the wingless pathway