WitheriteWitheriteWitheriteCompression of witherite to 8 GPa and the crystal structure of BaCO3IIThe Crystal Structures of Aragonite, Strontianite, and WitheriteThe solubility of calcite, strontianite and witherite in NaCl solutions at 25°CWitherite (BaCO3)/α-Quartz Epitaxial Nucleation and Growth: Experimental Findings and Theoretical Implications on BiomineralizationGeochemical Studies on the Lower Cambrian Witherite-bearing Cherts in the Northern Daba MountainsBarite and witherite deposits in Lower Cambrian shales of South China: Stratigraphic distribution and geochemical characterizationCharacterization of synthetic BaCO3 - SrCO3 (witherite-strontianite) solid-solutions by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopyDepositional environments for stratiform witherite deposits in the Lower Cambrian black shale sequence of the Yangtze Platform, sout...Kinetic mechanism of oxygen isotope disequilibrium in precipitated witherite and aragonite at low temperatures: an experimental studyThe solubility of BaCO 3 (cr) (witherite) in CO 2 -H 2 O solutions between 0 and 90°C, evaluation of the association constants of B...