Gum chewing leads to teens’ higher math scores?
Feedback, scatter and structure in the core of the PKS 0745−191 galaxy cluster
Public Choice Theory, Federalism, and the Sunny Side to Blue-Sky Laws
Reflection for Monday, July 30, 2007: 17th week in Ordinary Time.
Rapid slip along the central Altyn Tagh Fault: Morphochronologic evidence from Cherchen He and Sulamu Tagh
Feeding by lepidopteran larvae is dangerous: A review of caterpillars' chemical, physiological, morphological, and behavioral defens...
Factors influencing the choice of librarianship as a course of study at the diploma level in Ghana
' I Was Deeply Shocked That a Stone's Throw from the Olympic Stadium I Found People Living in Conditions Unacceptable in the Middle ...
A Stone's Throw from Kimmswick: Clovis Period Research in Kentucky