- "But do let her go, Jacky,"coaxed his poor witless wife.
“可是你非叫她去不可,捷奇,”他那位头脑简单,智力低下的太太甜言蜜语地说。 - The assassination attempt that failed in July 1944 was witless and traitorous.
Watching the Eyewitless News
Dispersal of Herring Gulls from the Witless Bay Sea Bird Sanctuary, Newfoundland
Luckless, Witless, and Filthy-Footed: A Sociocultural Study and Publishing History Analysis of "The Lazy Boy"
Local Survival Rates of Common Murres Breeding in Witless Bay, Newfoundland
Changes in nesting-habitat use of large gulls breeding in Witless Bay,...
Changes in nesting-habitat use of large gulls breeding in Witless Bay, Newfoundland
Bureaucracy, Entrepreneurship, and Natural Resources: Witless Policy and Barrier Islands
From "Bored Witless"to "Rhetorical Nous": Teacher Orientation to Knowledge about Language and Strengthening Student Persuasive Writ...
Diet Changes in Breeding Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) in Witless Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, over 40 Years
Population size and trends of seabirds breeding on Gull and Great Islands, Witless Bay Islands Ecological Reserve, Newfoundland up t...