Method for extracting compound of phenolic acid from leaves of woodbindThe Woodbind and the Nightingale Images in Troilus and Criseyde Book II, Lines 918–924 and Book III, Lines 1230–1239Method for extracting compound of phenolic acid from leaves of woodbindSerum lectins from the scorpion Vaejovis spinigerus Wood bind sialic acidsMass Transfer In Turbulent FlowIntervenciones de autocuidado para la diabetes por computadora para adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2Uso de computadoras para el autocuidado de la diabetes tipo 2创业投资走进大学——’98首届清华创业计划大奖赛预赛侧记Effect of curvilinear surface discretization on CEM code efficiencyComputer-based interventions to improve self-management in adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.