- He escaped misfortune by hiding in the woodpile.
他躲进了柴堆,才逃过这一劫。 - One day I found a litter of wild kittens in our woodpile.
Photonic Band Calculations for Woodpile Structures
Realization of woodpile structure using optical interference holography.
A planar resonator antenna based on a woodpile EBG material
Woodpile Metallic Photonic Crystals Fabricated by Using Soft Lithography for Tailored Thermal Emission
Theoretical study of photonic band gaps in woodpile crystals.
Layer-by-layer diamond-like woodpile structure with a large photonic band gap
Photofabrication of woodpile three-dimensional photonic crystal by using laser interference
Cover Picture: A Germanium Inverse Woodpile Structure with a Large Photonic Band Gap (Adv. Mater. 12/2007)
The in vitro isolation of Blastomyces dermatitidis from a woodpile in north central Wisconsin, USA