- All people think according to a worldview.
每一个人都按照自己的世界观思想。 - Today, we have a common education system and a common worldview.
Worldview Theory and Science Education Research
Worldview theory and conceptual change in science education
Complexity Science: A Worldview Shift
The Impact of Social Threat on Worldview and Ideological Attitudes
Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview by Audrey Smedley
Subliminal Exposure to Death-Related Stimuli Increases Defense of the Cultural Worldview
Is death really the worm at the core? Converging evidence that worldview threat increases death-thought accessibility
Suppression, accessibility of death-related thoughts, and cultural worldview defense: exploring the psychodynamics of terror managem...
Terror management and religion: evidence that intrinsic religiousness mitigates worldview defense following mortality salience.
Terror management and aggression: evidence that mortality salience motivates aggression against worldview-threatening others.