Statistical Mechanics of Wormlike ChainsStatics and Dynamics of Wormlike Surfactant MicellesTranslational Friction Coefficient of Wormlike ChainsLight Scattering from Wormlike Chains. Determination of the Shift FactorStatistical Mechanics of Wormlike Chains. II. Excluded Volume EffectsIntrinsic viscosity of wormlike chains. Determination of the shift factorElectrostatic Persistence Length of a Wormlike PolyelectrolyteCloud-Point Phenomena in Wormlike Micellar Systems Containing Cationic Surfactant and SaltLinear and nonlinear viscoelasticity of semidilute solutions of wormlike micelles at high salt contentRoom-Temperature Ionic Liquids as Template to Monolithic Mesoporous Silica with Wormlike Pores via a Sol−Gel Nanocasting Technique