- It took her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer was.
她用了很长时间才琢磨出谁是做坏事的人。 - If you are wronged and take revenge, you stoop to the level of the wrongdoer.
Effects of wrongdoer status on moral licensing ☆
From Wrongdoer to New Creation: Reconciliation in 2 Corinthians
Suicidal Decedent: Culpable Wrongdoer, or Wrongfully Deceased, The
Whistle blowing in the organization : wrongdoer or do-gooder?
Aggression against a Remorseful Wrongdoer: The Effects of Self-Blame and Concern for the Victim
The effects of wrongdoer motivation and internal versus external reporting channel on the intention to report fraud
Easy on the mind, easy on the wrongdoer: discrepantly fluent violations are deemed less morally wrong.
Children's and Adults' Attributions of Emotion to a Wrongdoer: The Influence of the Onlooker's Reaction
Does Wrongdoer Reputation Matter? Impact of Auditor-Wrongdoer Performance and Likeability Reputations on Fellow Auditors' Intention ...
Whistleblowing Intentions of Lower-Level Employees: The Effect of Reporting Channel, Bystanders, and Wrongdoer Power Status