- From time to time the wind wuthered in the chimney at his back.
The Wuther of the Other in Wuthering HeightsThe wuther of the other in Wuthering HeightsEmily:One Latent Revenger in Wutherning HeightsHeathcliff,the hero of WUTHER and the hero Sun Shao-ping in Lu Yao'Ordinary WorldThe Moors in Treacherous Love: Whose Fault? --Re-reading on Wutherinng HeightsCHARLOTTE BRONTË'NİN JANE EYRE VE EMİLY BRONTË'NİN WUTHERİNG HEİGHTS ROMANLARINIA differential study of English literary texts——A case study of Wutherigh HeightsRetranslation of Literal Materpieces from a Relevance Theory Perspective——A Case Study of the ChineseTtranslation of Wuthering Hei...Typical Gothic Features and their Reflection in the Tragic Development of the Female Heroes in the works of Emily Brontë Wuthering ...張愛玲劇本《魂歸離恨天》的文學翻譯和文化改編 = Literary translation and cultural adaptation in Eileen Chang's screenplay Wuthering H...